#AskB: My Ex Still Has My Things at His House

Home #AskB #AskB: My Ex Still Has My Things at His House


If you went to an ex’s house 1-2 months after ya’ll broke up (he was the dumper) and he still had your toothbrush and stuff there would you be like hmmm?


#AskB response: The reason for your return after 2 months tells part of the story. What were you doing there two months later? Now if your reason for returning wasn’t to collect your left behind belongings, than there’s a possibility of some residual feelings with a dose of resentment. Or he’s just slow when it comes to cleaning.  He could be still holding on [relationship wise] and your left behind items is helping him cope.  More importantly, your answer to the situation is in the reason for your return.


There’s an art to letting go and moving on. Often time’s people like to skip life processes.  People fail to realize that breaking up and letting go is a process for many.  When a breakup occurs some are so fueled with anger and spite that they immediately pack up their ex’s belongings or trash them.  That is all part of the breakup process. Others take their time and do it when they’re ready. They wish to take the proper time to process the breakup before cleaning house or doing any type of cleanse. Perhaps they’re the type that doesn’t let go as easy, even if they were the one who decided to break things off.  Them breaking things off just might be a way of protecting themselves. People operate in funny ways; especially hurt people.



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