Cover Girl: Kim Kardashian Channels Cher for Harper Bazaar

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Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian, Harper Bazaar


Kim Kardashian West covers the September issue of Harper’s Bazaar Arabia emulating her style icon, Cher.

Kim has made it no secret that Cher is her “number one style icon.” Back in April on Cher’s birthday the reality star paid homage, one Armenian to another, by going on a Instagram posting spree with different photos of Cher and her iconic looks.

Kim Kardashian

“She’s always had the sickest style, I’m obsessed with her,” Kardashian told the magazine. “To think that she was wearing these sheer dresses in the ’70s and just what people must have thought back then.”


Interview highlights:

Kim Kardashian

On her empire: “Sometimes people can get lazy, but this is the time where I feel like I’ve never worked harder. When you have kids it keeps you motivated.  I want to have something on my own.  I feel good when I get up and go to work and am busy all day. That makes me happy.  If I just, like, retire I would definitely be more of a stay at home mom, but I want my kids to have a really strong work ethic and see how motivated mom and dad really are.”


On her home life: “I think people would be really surprised at how normal our home life is.  At the end of the night when the kids go to bed, and before my husband gets home from work, I just love to lay in bed in my robe and watch TV, like Dateline or Family Feud.”

Kim Kardashian

On being a sexy mother: “At the end of the day I still have to be me.  If doing sexy shoots makes me feel confident, then I’m okay with it.  That might not be appropriate for some people, and there’s a time and a place.  There’s certain things I’ll show my kids and certain things I won’t show my kids. But generally I am okay with it.  In moderation.  More power to the moms that look really good, work really hard, do what they can so that they still feel sexy, still feel good about themselves. I don’t think for a second that because you become a mom you can’t be sexy any more.”

On her cyber haters: “I have a pretty thick skin.  But I feel bad for anyone that gets hate on social media.  There’s so much cyber-bullying and negativity in comments to everyone. I think it’s so wrong.  No matter what you do, you’re so judged and criticized on social media. I hope it changes.  I hope people stop being so negative. We can only go further if everyone uplifts each other and supports one another.”

Kim Kardashian

For the full interview click here.



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